Changing the world of energy
The energy landscape is changing. Renewable energy is transforming big buisness and industry across the globe – delivering cost reductions and efficiencies never imagined before.
Balancell has been at the forefront of that change, with our range of lithium ferro phosphate battery solutions designed to reduce costs, boost performance, and help our customers move boldly towards their environmental goals. We are a battery manufacturer focused on the future – preparing for tomorrow’s growth and challenges today.
Powered to Perform
Industrial and Commercial
The robust and energy dense Industrial and Commercial batteries are bui lt to power a range of demanding motive applications in
Home and Business
Our Home and Business range of batteries are designed to reduce the complexity of installation, scale easily, and provide a reliable
Commercial & Leisure Marine
The Marine range is safe, lightweight, and built to deliver uninterruptible power on demand. With multiple form factors the batteries can be used across a
High Voltage
The Balancell High Voltage battery module is the heartbeat of any commercial or industrial energy storage system. Powerful , energy dense and highly scalable.
Lithium Powered Forklifts
Our Diversified Clients
Corporate End Users
Battery Finder Service
Use our battery finder service to match the perfect Balancell lithium battery with your specific machine.